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VirtualBox will not start and present a Critical Error dialog box which reads “Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object. The application will now terminate.” If you select Details for additional information, it may offer something similar to this error, if not the same, Callee RC: CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE (0x80080005). Here is a solution that worked in this case and will get VirtualBox back up and running without losing any configuration changes.

Hackboot 1 hackboot 2 trailerHackboot

Step 5: Smooth Out the Rough Edges - Part 2 (Boot OS X Without HackBoot) In order to boot OS X without the HackBoot CD, we’ll need to delete a problematic kext. You can do this with the following steps: Step 1: Open up the Finder and select Go Go to Folder from the menu bar. The HackBoot 1 and HackBoot 2 ISO files. These will help you boot into the installation. MultiBeast 4, which will help you get audio and other things working correctly after installation.

  1. Boot to hackboot disc. Eject disc while at boot menu. Insert retail lion dvd. Select lion dvd to begin booting. If you do not press f5, you get kernel not found errors and such as it looks for kernel on hackboot or something (my assumption) and cannot find it due to it being swapped out.
  2. Dosdude1.com files hackintoshstuff HackBoot.iso - FilePursuit. ZIP 3 years ago 1.20 MB. ZIP 3 years ago 176.31 kB.

I recognize this error will likely occur on multiple versions of this application, however, for the sake of disclosure, the error occured using Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.6 on a Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (64-bit). During the re-install, I elected to upgrade to the latest, at the time of this writing, Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.8.

The Process

  • Navigate to your profile and look for the .VirtualBox folder. For example, C:Usersyour.name.VirtualBox
  • Copy the VirtualBox.xml to somewhere safe, like your desktop
  • Uninstall VirtualBox
  • Delete the .VirtualBox folder
  • Re-install VirtualBox and the option package.
  • Start VirtualBox
  • Close VirtualBox
  • Navigate to your profile and look for the .VirtualBox folder. For example, C:Usersyour.name.VirtualBox
  • Rename the VirtualBox.xml to VirtualBox.xml.old
  • Copy your original VirtualBox.xml to the .VirtualBox folder
  • Start VirtualBox

Hackboot 1 Hackboot 2 Full


Note: If you are presented with a hardware error message of some sort, here the corrections may be made. In my case, there was a referenced hard disk that was unavailable. So I deleted it using the configuration window that was presented.

Hackboot 1 And 2 Download

Everything should be working as expected.