Pushups And Bench Press Same Day

The push-up is essentially a bench press turned upside down. Instead of pressing a heavy bar, you're pressing your body weight. The same muscles of your chest, anterior deltoid and triceps activate similarly during both exercises, showed a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research published in 2015.

Jose Zuniga, known on YouTube as TeachingMensFashion, took advantage of his time in lockdown and decided to try to build out his chest by doing 300 pushups every single day for a whole month. He clarifies that while he was doing no additional chest work like bench press, due to training at home, he did

May 29, 2020 Pushups are a great workout for building upper body strength and can strengthen your lower back and core. But are the benefits greater if you do them every day, or is that dangerous? “Do push-ups work the same muscles as the bench press?” – Fabrizio Castelli. Yes, push-ups and the bench press both develop mass and strength of the chest, triceps, and shoulders – but they do vary in other ways. While both push-ups and bench pressing are full body lifts that require full body tension, push-ups have a more core dominant. Push Ups and Bench Press mainly do the same thing – they target chest, front shoulders, triceps and lats in a pushing motion. However, when doing Bench Press the weight moves and the upper body is stabilised on a bench, which makes it easier to focus on your chest and push more weight.

continue his usual bodyweight workout for the 30 days on top of the 300 daily pushups.

For the duration of the challenge, he eats a 1,200-calorie breakfast, a 500 calorie snack, a 1,000-2,000-calorie lunch, another snack, a 1,000-calorie dinner, and finishes with an 800-calorie shake, putting his caloric intake each day at around 4,950.

T © YouTube YouTuber Jose Zuniga gained definition and muscle mass in his chest by doing 300 pushups and eating 5,000 calories every single day for a month.o make the strain slightly easier on his chest, Zuniga breaks the 300 reps down into 100 decline pushups in the morning, 100 regular pushups in the afternoon, and 100 incline pushups in the evening.

Bench Press Meaning

'Muscle memory starts kicking in,' he says about 10 days into the month-long challenge, 'so now the reps are starting to become easier and I can go through them faster.'

Zuniga introduces progressive overload into the 30 days by increasing his range of motion, fully extending his arms on every rep after easing in for the first 10 days. Then he slows the tempo of the reps for the last 10 days of the challenge, creating greater muscle tension and requiring more controlled movements. These reps are so much more physically intensive that Zuniga has to split them up into sets of 10 to complete them.

Push Ups And Bench Press Same Day

At the beginning of the month, Zuniga weighed in at approximately 181 pounds. After eating nearly 5,000 calories and performing 300 pushups for 30 days, weighed in at 189 pounds — and is showing visible definition and growth in his chest. 'I have pecs!' He says, delighted. 'Like, there's actually something here!'

'This was brutal. It sucked, it was not easy by any means,' he says. 'At first I thought, oh, 100 in the morning, 100 in the afternoon, 100 at night, it can't be that tough. By day 10, your pecs and your shoulders are just so sore from hitting the same movement over and over.'

Push ups after bench press

'I haven't stepped foot in a gym in a month, and I've naturally gained muscle mass through eating well, having the right supplements, and putting in the work every single day,' he continues. 'Even though the gyms are closed, you can low-key get a hell of a bodyweight workout, look amazing, put on muscle mass, from the comfort of your home, with zero equipment.'

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