BIN +1.02 MB.mcom - sim900 Customer flash loader V1.01/Simcom - sim900 Customer flash loader V1.01.exe Show comments View file Edit file Delete file. File name: Size: Last updated. Ansmtmodulerfreferencedesignguidev1.01.pdf: 298.34 KiB: 28.12.16 14:46:46: MTKUSBDRIVER.rar: 8.52 MiB: 19.04.16 08:39:58.
DTR = 6 to pin „S“
GPSFET = 7 to gate pin of GPS MOSFET
VCC = 8
pwrBtn = 9 to pin „K“
A4 – SDA
A5 – SCL
General Pinning
Tasklist when a new SIM808 mini is made
- remove R104 on SIM808 board
- change AP1084 regulator resistors to R1 = 51k, R2 = 120k
- Flash new firmware (more info in „SIM800H EAT_FW_Download Tool_V104.pdf“)
- turn power off
- connect RX & TX
- open SIM800_Series_download_Tools_Customer_v1.19/Flash_tool.exe as admin
- choose target = SIM808, port = UART, choose COM-port, baud=460800
- as download file choose 1418B04SIM808M32.cfg (first check for new version)
- click „Start Download“ button
- turn power on
- PWRKEY has to be pulled low the whole time
- reboot when finished
- add resistors to DTR and SIM808-RX for 3.3V to 2.8V level shift (SIM808_Hardware Design_V1.02.pdf, page 36)
- remove GPS antenna connector on SIM808 board and add N-channel MOSFET between middle-pin of the connector and GND
- swap regulator of Arduino Pro Mini from MIC5205 to MCP1700 (for pinning have a look at Arduino_Pro_Mini_Regulator_Wechsel.jpg)
- cut LEDs of Arduino Pro Mini
- add more capacitors to the marked positions in schematic (do not replace, just solder them onto the existing ones)
- for more details of the modifications have a look at the schematic
After hardware setup open Arduino Project „TestAES“. It is necessary to initialise the Random Number Generator (RNG) on the Arduino. Generate a random set of 8 symbols and enter them into TestAES variable „randomNumber“. Compile and flash it to the device and let it run about 1h and 5min. Watch the output on the serial monitor. The RNG automatically saves a new initialiser to the EEPROM every hour. (RNG from ArduinoLibs) –> when autosavetime is set to 10mins it does not change the EEPROM??? –> so I’d say its not necessary
Add User to DB
On the server go to /var/www/ and change owner and group of map_register_save from root:root to www-data:www-data.
Then go to and create new user.
In phpmyadmin duplicate ID0, ID0Blocks and ID0Statistics without data and change number of ID in name.
Generate an AES password and paste it into the according field of the user. Use Octave script to convert AES password to HEX values and insert them into the code.
Simcom Flash Update Tool V1 10.1
Es wurden in der Datenbank die Spalten: lat, lng, alt, vel und distance von varchar einer bestimmten Länge auf decimal variablen mit bestimmter Länge und Nachkommazahlen geändert. Hat beim Umkonvertieren der Tabellen rund 25% der Größe der Tabelle gespart.
For user notification, grab users phone and add @get_id_bot to Telegram chats. Take the received user id and add it to map_get/index.php.
Updated pricing model by 16th of July 2018:
–> activate Roads API
Simcom Flash Update Tool V1 10.5
Simcom Flash Update Tool V1 10.10