Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella

  1. Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella Kids
  2. Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella 2017
  3. English Lesson Activities

Designed to be used after a reading of C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and after a viewing of the film, the packet includes discussion topics, activities, and projects. The spiritual truths, the powerful life lessons I learned from those stories, stayed with me throughout my adolescence and into my adult life. HICKS: You dedicated this book to your Auntie Diane and Auntie Jacquie. You said reading The Chronicles of Narnia to Aunt Jacquie’s class led you to write this book. Tell me about that experience.

The Magician's Nephew
1. Uncle Andrew believes that certain people, because of their superior intelligence, do not have to follow the same rules that ordinary people must. At least one other person in the story thinks the same thing. Using examples from the book, discuss this question and whether you agree with it or not.
2. Discuss what happened to end the world of Charn. Why did it happen? Is there any similar threat in our own world?
3. What did Digory do that he regretted afterwards? Who did his deed affect and how? How did he right that wrong? What is the significance of the term 'Son of Adam' and Digory's role in the world of Narnia?
4. Discuss the founding of Narnia from the points of view of the following three characters: a) the horse (Strawberry), b) Uncle Andrew and c) Digory.
5. Why did the witch eat the apple from the tree in the palace's garden? What effect did it have on her? Discuss what Aslan says to Polly: 'That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way. The fruit is good, but they loathe it ever after...' (p. 174)

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
1. Discuss the relationship of time in Narnia to time in the children's world. Who is the old professor? Based on your knowledge of The Magician's Nephew, how much time has gone by in the professor's life in relation to the world of Narnia? What hints are there in the story about how much time has gone by? How much time do the children spend in Narnian, in Narnian terms and in their own world's terms?
2. In the beginning the children have trouble with Lucy's claims that she has been to Narnia. What does the Professor say about this? How does he apply logic to this situation?
3. Throughout the book there is a paradox about Aslan, which the beavers especially talk about. They say he is good and terrible. Discuss some of these passages and what they might be saying about Aslan. Compare what they say about Aslan to what is said about God in the Bible.
4. What is the magic of the Emperor as the witch understands it? How does Edmund fit into this? What is the deeper magic that she didn't know about--and from what time period is it? Compare this to the story we all know which is the basis for C.S. Lewis' story.
5. Aslan tells Beaver (p. 137) 'All names will soon be restored to their proper owners. In the meantime we will not dispute about noises. Speculate on what he might mean by this.

Prince Caspian
1. What has happened to Narnia since the children left at the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?
2. There is a rebellion going on. Who is the leader? Who is on the rebels' side? What are its goals? What magic is used to support their cause?
3. Trumpkin doesn't believe in Aslan, or the horn. What is his saving virtue and why?
4. In your opinion, why is Lucy the only one who can see Aslan? How does each react to her claim that she saw Aslan? What happens to the party when they don't follow Lucy's advice the first time? What does Lucy learn from this? What do the others learn?
5. Tell the story of Nikabrik. Why does Caspian think he turned out this way?
6. Compare Aslan's moving through the town and asking people to come with him to the call Jesus made to the apostles.
  • 7. How does Aslan solve the problem of what to do with the Telmarines who don't want to live under the new rule? What does he tell the children about future trips to Narnia?

Voyage of the Dawn Treader
1. Tell the story of Eustace. What were his parents like? What kind of person was he before the trip to Narnia? What happened to transform him and how did that affect his life?
2. Describe the character of Reepicheep. Why was he the only one who was not embarrassed when Lucy agreed to read the magician's book? What was the voyage preparing him for? How did he end his voyage?
3. How did Caspian deal with the poor governance of the Lone Islands? In your answer, tell how he regained control of the Islands as well as what he did to set up a better government.
4. What had happened to one of the lords on the island of Deathwater? What happened to the voyagers of the 'Dawn Treader' when they visited that place?
5. What were Lucy's temptations when she read the magician's book? Which did she give in to? What was the result? What did she learn from this?
6. What did the voyagers find on the trip to the dark island? How did they escape?
7. What was Caspian's strategy for getting his crew to go on with him to the end of the world?
8. Lucy and Edmund are told by Aslan that they will not return to Narnia. Why not? Why does this upset Lucy? How does Aslan comfort her?

The Silver Chair
1. Jill and Eustace wanted to go to Narnia. How did they get there? Why does Aslan say they came?
2. What is the task Jill is given? What are the four signs? What prevented the children from following some of them? Why did everything work out in the end?
3. On page 21, Aslan tells Jill 'Here on the mountain I have spoken to your clearly: I will not often do so down in Narnia. Here on the mountain, the air is clear and your mind is clear; as you drop down into Narnia, the air will thicken.' What do you think he means by this? Give some examples of how she and the others sometimes get confused.
4. Give a little description of the character of Puddleglum. What does he think about himself? What do the children think of him at first? What do they find out about him in the difficult circumstances they get into?
5. What happens to the attitude of the children, especially Jill, after they meet the lady who invites them to Harfang? What are the consequences of their being taken in by this lady? What happens to them in Harfang that bothers all of them, but Puddleglum the most?
6. What are the children and Puddleglum's first impressions of the prince? What happens while the prince is in the silver chair? How does Puddleglum help the children in their decision?
7. How do the children, Prince Rilian and Puddleglum resist the witch's enchantment to try to keep them from believing in Aslan and Narnia? How do they finally overcome her? What is Puddleglum's final argument?
8. On their way home, the children stop in Aslan's country and see Caspian. What is his age? What would he appear like if he were in Narnia instead? What do the children hope for? What are they promised by Aslan?

The Horse and His Boy
1. How did Aravis find out that Hwin was a talking horse? Why did they go to Narnia together?
2. Why does Shasta leave his home to search for Narnia?
3. How does Shasta meet King Edmund, Queen Lucy and Prince Corin for the first time?
4. What does Aravis overhear at the house of Tisroc?
5. When the horses are traveling across the desert and they realize they have lost a lot of time, what does Hwin say to Bree to try to get them to hurry a little quicker? What finally does make them move faster?
6. How did Aravis first treat Shasta? What did Shasta do which changed her mind?
7. Aslan teaches Aravis a lesson. What was it and why did he do it?
8. After the others are safe within the hermit's walls, what is Shasta asked to do? What does C.S. Lewis say is the reward for doing one good deed?
9. What does the hermit say about luck? What does Aslan tell Shasta he has done for him when Shasta thinks he's been unlucky?
10. What is Bree's personality like? What happens to him on the journey to change this?
11. When Shasta asks Aslan who he is, what is his answer? What do you think this answer means? See Exodus 3:13-14.
12. When the Hedgehog is told that enemies are attacking Anvard, what is his reaction? Why? How does the High King find out about the coming attack?
13. What happens to Rabadash? Why does he become a peaceful king?
14. What does Shasta find out about his birth? What does this mean for his future role in the kingdom? He doesn't want this responsibility, but what is the reason he cannot refuse?

The Last Battle
1. How is Narnia deceived into thinking Aslan has returned? What kinds of things is 'Aslan' asking of the Narnians which throws them into confusion?
2. How does the King obtain help for Narnia and who comes to help him?
3. In the battle what side do the Dwarfs take? What is their motto?
4. What did Emeth do which his father didn't want him to? What happened to him after the battle? How did his belief in Tash help him?
5.What did Tirian see when he entered the stable door?
6. Why wasn't Susan there?
7. What does Lucy try to do for the Dwarfs? Why is she unable to help them?
8. How did the kings and queens of Narnia and the Pevensies' parents go to Aslan's country?
Questions by Sharon Mollerus. Used with permission.

Note: We are unable to supply an answer key to these study questions. Original thought is looked for in answering many of these questions for which there is no 'one right answer'. We hope these questions will assist parents in discussing the book with their children. Those who haven't read the book themselves could still discuss these questions and ideas in a general way with their children, have their children discuss it with others who have read the book, or seek summaries of the book online to better understand it.

Also see... Our Narnia Page

Ah, The Chronicles of Narnia. It’s been such a pleasure to introduce my own children to these wonderful stories and see them fall in love with them as I did many years ago.

Copyright: Tawng / 123RF Stock Photo


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These classic books by C.S. Lewis have long been friends of mine since childhood and now are just as beloved by my own children. *Insert a big happy dance here. 🙂

Outside of the books and the major motion pictures, our family is also crazy about the The Chronicles of Narnia audiobooks done by Focus on the Family’s Radio Theatre. They are very well done and we really enjoy listening to them on road trips. We also enjoy The Chronicles of Narnia movies done by BBC. These are a great introduction to the stories on film for children who are not quite old enough to handle the more intense scenes in the newer Narnia movies.

It has been a few years since we last read the series together and we decided we should include them in our family read-alouds for this year. And because I am THAT homeschool mom, I started trying to hunt down free educational resources for Narnia to use with the books.

You can see what we did in our homeschool for the first two books here:

Free Chronicles of Narnia Resources

Free Printables

Lasting Thumbprints – The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Book Study

Walking by the Way – Into the Wardrobe Lesson Plans

Oncoloring – Narnia Coloring pages

EducationalColoringPages – The Chronicles of Narnia Coloring Pages

C.S. Lewis Foundation – Chronicles of Narnia Teacher’s Guides

Teacher Vision – Narnia Activity Guide

YouthESource – A Visit to Narnia Bible Study

Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella Kids

abcteach – Chronicles of Narnia Worksheets

The Lion’s Call – Lucy Pevensie Paper Doll Printable

ChurchLeaders – Narnia Activity Package

NarniaWeb – Map of Narnia

Lucy Learns – The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe Printables

Smyth & Helwys – Chronicles of Narnia Study Guide

Free Copywork Pages

Walking by the Way – C.S. Lewis Quotation Copywork

Free Unit Studies

HomeScholar Books – Narnia Unit Study – The Silver Chair

YouthESource – A Visit to Narnia Bible Study

Copyright: stefanoventuri / 123RF Stock Photo

Free Lapbooks

Notebooking Nook – Voyage of the Dawn Treader Lapbook

Homeschool Share – The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe Lapbook

Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella

Homeschool Share – The Horse and His Boy Lapbook

Homeschool Share – The Magician’s Nephew Lapbook

Free Audiobooks

Ancient Faith Radio – Chronicles of Narnia Audiobooks

Chronicles Of Narnia Lesson Activities For Stella 2017

Free Online Resources

The Narnia Academy – Beyond the Wardrobe (2 different 20 lesson online studies!)

Love 2 Learn – Online Chronicles of Narnia Study Questions

BBC Schools – Growing Up in War Time History

BBC Schools – C.S. Lewis Biography

Free Crafts & Activities

ikat bag – Dawn Treader Craft Tutorial

Harpers Collins Children’s – Chronicles of Narnia Online Games

Fictional Fare – Narnia Recipes

The Spruce – Turkish Delight Recipe

Deviant Art – Narnia Wardrobe Cube

Activity Village – Narnia Themed Craft Ideas

Yummy Books – Tea with Mr. Tumnus Widgets

English Lesson Activities

I know my children are really going to love what I’ve started putting together for our Narnia adventures beginning next month. There are so many different directions you could go when planning a unit study around The Chronicles of Narnia!