Play Facade Game Online No Download

Facade has an interesting, different art style that manages to stand out thanks to its unique and impressive looks, but at the same time I feel that this helps the game quite a lot. Having artificial intelligence working here in an amazing way is very impressive, and the best part about it is that the game also showcases the emotional support. Facade offers something truly different in terms of concept, game play and genre. But is it any good? Read on to find out. Lovers of films such as AI will be thrilled to discover that for the first time ever Artificial Intelligence plays a starring role. This is an adventure game with a weird twist. Download & Play Free. Analyzing the evening's conversation can help you reach your desired resolution on the next play through. Facade is one. Where To Play Facade. Facade Game Demo No Download. Play Facade Free Online. Play Facade The Game Now. Play Facade Free. Facade Game Free Demo. Facade Play Now. Facade Free Demo. Latest News from. Free Facade online games. Enjoy the amazing Pokemon Glazed game online now. Rednex Joe is a Strategy game to play free online.

Play Facade Game Online No Download

When Facade was released in 2005, people were wondering what in the world it even was. If anything, the Facade was played by people who only knew of it due to memes and online parodies of the game. The graphics were so bad that it somehow was good. There's no explanation for this phenomenon in gaming. YouTubers everywhere were playing the game just because it was the thing to do. It was the 'Minecraft' of its time as far as playing the game just to record yourself playing it because everyone else was for the laughs.

What Is Facade About?

Play facade game online no downloads

Facade puts you into a New York apartment full of low-resolution furniture and equally buggy-looking characters. You play a character that talks to your friends, Trip and Grace. You’re having your typical New York conversation when things start to break down between the couple. Of course, the fun part is using your keyboard to play around with the language processing software in the game to talk to the couple. This could either get you kicked out of the apartment, in a supportive role, or a dividing role. It’s a completely interactive experience.

You Don’t Know What You’re Going To Get

The fun part about Facade is: you don’t know what’s going to happen based on your responses. You could at least try to roleplay your way through the game but no one does that. Many people just troll their way through the game for YouTube views by coming up with insane things to type just to see how the couple would react. You could help mend the couple’s relationship, have them admit they’ve cheated on each other, or just any of the random endless possibilities. Of course, if you’re not well-versed in the English language, then not having the proper grammar or spelling could spell doom for the couple.

The AI Are Surprisingly Intuitive

The AI holds up well, surprisingly. Tripp and Grace react the way you would expect humans would. Even with the terrible graphics, they have hilarious facial animations that react the way you would expect anyone would react if they were cartoon characters. It's fun to see just how bad of a house guest you could possibly be. The game could be completely vulgar if you want it to be. Facade is something that will definitely go down in the history books as something you just need to play.

Play facade game online no downloading

There’s a reason why Facade is on a list of “1001 Games To Play Before You Die,” that’s because it really is something you just need to experiod.

Play Facade Game Online No Downloading


  • Reactive gameplay was fun
  • Endless replayability


Play Facade Game

  • Graphics so bad it’s good
  • Noticeable bugs

Play Facade Game Online No Download Required

Overall rating: 5